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Founded in 1976

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Texas A&M Emergency Care Team began in 1976 as a student run medical organization to bring emergency medicine to the University.  It is one of the first organizations of its kind in the nation. In 1980, TAMECT acquired its first ambulance and was the first source of Advanced Life Support in College Station.  In the early 1990’s, due to insurance liability, TAMECT was split into two entities.  Texas A&M Emergency Care Team kept its student organization status, and the Texas A&M Emergency Medical Services, which handled the ambulance operations, was formed under Student Health Services. Since then, TAMECT and TAMU EMS have kept close relationships and both operate out of the A.P. Beutel Health Center.


At present, Texas A&M EMS has taken over all aspects of EMS needs for Texas A&M. However, Texas A&M Emergency Care Team still provides first responders to assist the EMTs of TAMU EMS in first aid stations at most major University events including football games, various athletic events, Corps FTXs, March to the Brazos, Greek events, and many others. We also provide a large number of training opportunities for our members including American Heart Association certifications in first aid and CPR, advanced first aid techniques, and many other areas of training. We are an all-volunteer student organization committed to providing the best quality first responder education and training to the students and faculty of Texas A&M, as well as the Bryan/College Station community.


Texas A&M Emergency Care Team has shown its desire to help both friends and strangers even in times of crisis. TAMECT members were the first medical personnel on scene at the tragic Aggie Bonfire Collapse of 1999. The members already stationed at the bonfire construction site called in the emergency. While the team on scene began providing aid, other members rushed to the scene after hearing news of the accident. TAMECT also helped provide medical care after Hurricanes Ike and Rita. Hurricane victims finding refuge in College Station were greeted by Emergency Care Team members as they unloaded people from planes who needed medical attention. TAMECT staffed Reed Arena for Hurricane Rita relief efforts for 24 hours a day for two weeks straight. In 2020, TAMECT worked with TAMU EMS to help provide COVID-19 testing to the student body.


Organization members have further shown their knowledge of medical skills at the National Collegiate Emergency Medical Services Foundation annual conference. In 2011 and again in 2019, TAMECT received 1st place nationally in the Basic Life Support and Mass Casualty Incident  competitions.

History: About

©2025 by Texas A&M Emergency Care Team.

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